When you hit the bong you are filling up the piece with smoke until you pull the slide or carb. The size of the bong can determine how big your hits are going to be. If you get yourself a larger bong you may need to get use to hitting it. Water pipes are great for taking big hits and are always fun to bring out at a party. Big bong, little bongs and all the bongs in between. I feel if you consume marijuana wax too often you may ruin your tolerance to the point you can’t get high off just smoking weed anymore. I have seen some people get crazy about smoking wax and binge on it for months. Another this you want to watch out for with wax is overuse. If I were to have them try dabs I would consider myself a bad person. I’ve seen people get too high just from smoking high quality marijuana out of a good bong. I would not recommend doing dabs if you are pretty new to smoking. For some people, the only way to achieve a certain level of high is through wax hits. A good wax hit will get you really high, really fast and it will last a few hours. Now I’ve gotten a little bit spoiled and have become somewhat of a snob and will only hit wax of a certain color or consistency. The first time I ever did a dab, the wax was a very dark color, and somewhat harsh, but it got me extremely high. They are getting better, smoother, and more potent everyday.

I have been a marijuana enthusiast for years and the new trend of Marijuana concentrates is very exciting. The reason I like this device it because it hits very well over a dozen times and makes consuming marijuana easier and more convenient.
The G Pen Pro has an oven chamber in it with 3 heat settings for different vaporizing preferences. I had one of those for a while and loved it, however it pretty much burnt the weed on the inside. Most people have seen the standard pen with a little coil in the bottom of a ceramic chamber. This vaporizer pen works better than most of the other brands and models I have tried. One of my favorites is a recent purchase I made of a G Pen Pro vaporizer. They run over $500 but are well worth it if you can make the investment. If you can afford it, the Volcano vaporizer is one of the best ways to smoke weed without actually smoking it. I have had experience with many different vaporizers. Vaporizing is a great way to eliminate most of the carcinogens, eliminate the butane intake, and help you consume your marijuana in a cleaner way.

Many people will say vaporizing is the best way to smoke weed. Smoking weed out of a bowl is great, but you are inhaling the butane from the lighter as well as the carcinogens from the marijuana plant. I use to like smoking joints a lot but after a while it just begins to feel to taxing on my throat and lungs.

I smoke when I wake up, I smoke before work, when I’m working, and its the first thing I do when I am done working. The Best Way to Smoke Weed Marijuana Vaporizer – Vaping Your average weed smoker has consumed marijuana in at least a few different ways, but it is always fun to try other methods. There are plenty of options when it comes to consuming marijuana like bongs, blunts, edibles, and concentrates. Getting high is pretty cool right? But what is the best way to smoke weed? Many people have their own preferences and like to get high in a specific way, other people just crave THC and how they get high doesn’t matter. Okay so you’ve smoke a joint and passed your friends bowl around before.